
「修行尺八」歴史的証拠の研究   ホームページ
      'Shugyō Shakuhachi' rekishi-teki shōko no kenkyū hōmupēji -

The "Ascetic Shakuhachi" Historical Evidence Research Web Pages

Introduction & Guide to the Documentation & Critical Study of Ascetic, Non-Dualistic Shakuhachi Culture, East & West:
Historical Chronology, Philology, Etymology, Vocabulary, Terminology, Concepts, Ideology, Iconology & Practices

By Torsten Mukuteki Olafsson • トーステン 無穴笛 オーラフソンデンマーク • Denmark


Introduction / Front Page / Home

Wave pattern

Wave - or particle?

Japanese Zen sand garden

Detail of Zen sand garden
at Daisen-in, Daitoku-ji, Kyōto
'Standing waves' ...
Early 16th century
Photo: T.O.

Literature in Western Languages


Carl Abbott: Blowing Zen. Original edition.
     Center for Taoist Thought and Fellowship, 1992.

Carl Abbott: Blowing Zen - One Breath, One Mind II.
     Revised expanded edition; includes Blowing Zen II.
     Center for Taoist Thought and Fellowship, 2012.

Mikael S. Adolphson: The Gates of Power: Monks, Courtiers,
     and Warriors in Premodern Japan.
     University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, 2000.

Christoph Anderl: Studies in the Language of Zǔ-táng jí, Volume One.
     Dr. Art. dissertation, University of Oslo, Norway, 2004.
     In: Acta Humaniora, 213, Universiteit Gent, 2004.
     Download link:

Christoph Anderl: Studies in the Language of Zǔ-táng jí, Volume Two.
     Dr. Art. dissertation, University of Oslo, Norway, 2004.
     In: Acta Humaniora, 213, Universiteit Gent, 2004.
     Download link:

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     with special reference to the social and moral life of the nation
     C.E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, 1963.
     First publ. by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., London, 1930.
     Link to online PDF file:

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     Link to online PDF file:

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     University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, 2000.

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     Tai Hei shakuhachi, Willits, CA, USA, 2019.

Dominique Bertrand: Le corps du souffle: Voyage au coeur du son Broché.
     Editions Signatura, 2019.

Nancy Moore Bess: Bamboo in Japan.
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     Zum Repertoire des Shakuhachi-Tempels in Fukuoka/Japan.
     Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln. Musikwissenschaft (M.A.)
     Masterarbeit (M.A.) dated and submitted September 28, 2017.
     Link to online PDF file:

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     In the 50th anniversary book Dansk-Japansk Selskab 1958-2008,
     Dansk-Japansk Selskab, Copenhagen, 2009.

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     Tokyo University of Fine Arts, 1982.

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     The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 7, pp. 707-709.
     Publ. by Routledge, 2002.

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     A Personal Journey into Shakuhachi Music.
     Printed Matter Press: Tokyo, 2005.

Christopher Blasdel: "Shakuhachi fantasy and fact."
     In: C. Blasdel, The single tone: A personal journey into shakuhachi music.
     Kindle version by Single Tone Productions, pp. 33-47.

Christopher Blasdel: "The Shakuhachi: Aesthetics of a Single Tone."
     In: Japan Quarterly 31, pp. 214-217, 1984.
     Also published in Asahi Shinbun, April-June, Tokyo, 1984.      Link to a PDF online file:

Christopher Blasdel: The Single Tone:
     A Personal Journey into Shakuhachi Music.
     Kindle version by Single Tone Productions.

Christopher Blasdel: The Shakuhachi: A Manual for Learning
     Kindle version by Single Tone Productions.
     The Single Tone; 4th edition (March 28, 2024)

Christopher Blasdel: "Wondrous Tones: The Transnational Appeal of the Shakuhachi
     through Time and Space." Editor: Henry Johnson.
     In: Handbook of Japanese Music in the Modern Era, pp. 188–204.
     Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2023.
     Link to e-book:

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     In: THE NATION, Thailand’s premier English Language Newspaper.
     Interview with Christopher Yohmei Blasdel. Publ. on Feb. 8, 1999

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     In: The Shakuhachi. A Manual for Learning, pp. 69-133.
     Translated and adapted from Kamisangō Yūkō: 'Suizen', 1974.

Christopher Blasdel & Kamisangō Yūkō:
     The Shakuhachi. A Manual for Learning.
     As translated & edited by
     Christopher Yohmei Blasdel.
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     Link to PDF file:

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         Link to online PDF version:

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         The Hokuseido Press, Tokyo, 1966, 1974.

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         Numen Book Series, Brill, Leiden & Boston, 2008.

    C.R. Boxer: The Christian Century in Japan, 1549-1650.
         Carcarnet Press Limited, Manchester, 1993.
         First published in 1951 by The University of
         California Press & the Cambridge University Press.
         Link to online PDF file:

    C.R. Boxer: The Christian Century in Japan, 1549-1650.
         Carcarnet Press Limited, Manchester, 1993.
         First published in 1951 by The University of
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         Link to PDF file:

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         Link to PDF file:

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         Orientations, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2015

    Ray Brooks: Blowing Zen: Finding an Authentic Life.
         Revised & Expanded Edition.
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    Steven Casano: "From Fuke Shuu to Uduboo: The Transnational Flow of the Shakuhachi to the West."
         In: The World of Music, Vol. 47, No. 3,
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    Michael Church, editor: The Other Classical Musics, Fifteen Great Traditions.
         Boydell Press/Boydell & Brewer, Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, 2016.
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         On pages 84-87: "The shakuhachi and its music."

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    Link to PDF file:

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