
「修行尺八」歴史的証拠の研究   ホームページ
      'Shugyō Shakuhachi' rekishi-teki shōko no kenkyū hōmupēji -

The "Ascetic Shakuhachi" Historical Evidence Research Web Pages

Introduction & Guide to the Documentation & Critical Study of Ascetic, Non-Dualistic Shakuhachi Culture, East & West:
Historical Chronology, Philology, Etymology, Vocabulary, Terminology, Concepts, Ideology, Iconology & Practices

By Torsten Mukuteki Olafsson • トーステン 無穴笛 オーラフソンデンマーク • Denmark


Introduction / Front Page / Home

From 1879 ... 1896-1914: The Koji ruien
     Historical Encyclopedia, Section 'Fuke-shū',
     and the Further Falsification of 'Komusō'
     and Ascetic Shakuhachi "History"



Koji ruien. Editorial board: Ruien kankōkai, Tōkyō, 1896-1914.

Link to the National Diet Library online general index of the Koji ruien source collection:
Koji ruien, all editions

Koji ruien 1967-1971, complete

Link to the 'Fuke-shū' sources presented in Koji ruien, Vol. 27, Shūkyō-bu, "Section of Religion" Part. 1, Ch. 15, pp. 1113-1146, Kyōto, 1910/Meiji 43, PDF frames 572-589

Link to the 'Shakuhachi' sources presented in Koji ruien, Vol. 37, Gakubu-bu, "Section of Music & Dance" Part 2, Ch. 32, pp. 999-1053, 1910/Meiji 43; 1930/Shōwa 4, PDF frames 519-546.

Koji ruien Vol. 27, Religion: 'Fuke-shū' section. Foreword, pp. 1113-1114:

Koji ruien, Religion: Fuke-shuu, Foreword p. 1113

Koji ruien, Religion: Fuke-shuu, Foreword p. 1114

Koji ruien Vol. 27, Religion: 'Fuke-shū'. Foreword, pp. 1113-1114

Click here to see and study the complete 'Koji ruien' chapter about 'Fuke-shū'

Koji ruien Vol. 37, Music & Dance: 'Shakuhachi' section. Foreword, pp. 999-1000:

Koji ruien, Music & Dance: Shakuhachi. Foreword p. 999

Koji ruien, Music & Dance: Shakuhachi. Foreword p. 1000

Koji ruien Vol. 37, Music & Dance: 'Shakuhachi'. Foreword, pp. 999-1000

Click here to see and study the complete 'Koji ruien' chapter about 'Shakuhachi'

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