
「修行尺八」歴史的証拠の研究   ホームページ
      'Shugyō Shakuhachi' rekishi-teki shōko no kenkyū hōmupēji -

The "Ascetic Shakuhachi" Historical Evidence Research Web Pages

Introduction & Guide to the Documentation & Critical Study of Ascetic, Non-Dualistic Shakuhachi Culture, East & West:
Historical Chronology, Philology, Etymology, Vocabulary, Terminology, Concepts, Ideology, Iconology & Practices

By Torsten Mukuteki Olafsson • トーステン 無孔笛 オーラフソンデンマーク • Denmark


Introduction / Front Page / Home Research Inspired Youtube Videos
by Shawn Renzoh Head and Nick Hoko Bellando

Editorial note: The below listed 10 Youtube videos were created with no cooperation whatsoever from the creator of

Youtube Channel "The Shogunate":
"Mystery of the Komuso (ft. Renzoh Flutes and Hon-on Shakuhachi)"

Shawn Renzoh Head & Nick Bellando

Shawn Renzoh Head/Renzoh Flutes & Nick Bellando/Hon-on Shakuhachi

regarding specifc PARTs of that YOUTUBE VIDEO:

Hanz Araki: "Argumentum ad Ignorantiam" ("Appeal to Ignorance").
Source:, January 27, 2024.

Facebook's "Shakuhachi BBQ" group, scroll downwards to locate post
by "Anonymous participant" dated January 28, 2024

Shawn Renzoh Head (Renzoh Flutes) has also been inspired by, quoted and communicated information from in the below listed 9 other shakuhachi history related Youtube documentaries of his.

Do note, that Torsten Olafsson, creator and editor of, has not in any way been engaged and involved in the production of any of these 10 Youtube videos :-)

1322 (late 12th century?) - "The Story of Kakua: First Zen Shakuhachi Monk?

15th Century - "Shakuhachi Historic Document Ikkyu Sojun"

1494 - "Komuso historical Document: 32 Picture Scroll Depicting a Poetry Contest
on Thirty-two Professions"

1522-1527 - "Shakuhachi Historic Document: The Death of Josu"

1614 - "Shakuhachi Document, Story Time: Otori Ippei Meets A Komuso"

1628 - "Kaido Honsoku: Shakuhachi Document Reading 海道本則"

1664 - "Shakuhachi Historic Document: Komuso No Te"

1678, January 11 - "Komuso Document: Enpo 5th Memorandum (reading)"

1795 - "Kyotaku Denki - The False Bell Diary Reading"

Will Reed and Shawn Renzoh Head

Will Reed & Shawn Renzoh Head

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