1930: Kobayashi Shizan & Tomimori Kyozan
Co-publicize the Shakuhachi Concept 'Suishō-zen' a.o.
New web page presented on January 2, 2023
There is a very fine - and quite important - old Japanese book preserved in the collection of the National Diet Library in Tokyo titled
'Shakuhachi honryū Myōan suishō kikai'
"Basic Steps of Playing the Shakuhachi of the True Myōan Tradition"
Kobayashi and Tomimori's 1930 'Myōan suishō-hō' book cover, front.
Picture source: Kunimi Masafumi's Kisokuseikan website, see link below.
Published by Ōya Shobō, Tokyo, 1930 (Shōwa 5, Month 4), 232 pages
Link to NDL/National Diet Library: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1258947/1/1
Link to WebCatPlus: http://webcatplus.nii.ac.jp/webcatplus/details/book/898445.html
Left: An elderly Tomimori Kyozan, 1899–1975 - Right: A younger Kobayashi Shizan, 1877-1938
Title page
Table of contents
Part 1 - By Tomimori Kyozan:
Preface by 'Kyosan Bōsanshi' alias Tomimori Kyozan (1899–1975)
Chapter 1: The coming into being of 'Sui-shō-zen' - page 1
Chapter 2: About 'Komusō' - page 14
Chapter 3: About 'Fuke-shū' - page 45
Chapter 4: The revival of the Myōan way of blowing - page 75
Chapter 5: About 'honkyoku' and 'gaikyoku' - page 105
Chapter 6: How to make a shakuhachi - page 121
Part 2 - By Tomimori Kyozan:
Introduction 'Kyosan Bōsanshi' alias Tomimori Kyozan (1899–1975)
Chapter 1: The intention of blowing (the shakuhachi) - page 135
Chapter 2: Notation symbols in relation to exercising - page 151
Chapter 3: How to demonstrate pros-'n'-cons regarding exercising - page 158
Part 3 - By Kobayashi Shizan:
Main Story by 'Kyozan Koji' alias Kobayashi Shizan (1877-1938)
Chapter 1: Introductory remarks - page 181
Chapter 2: How to blow 'Chōshi' - page 185
Chapter 3: How to blow 'Hi-fu-mi chō' - page 191
Chapter 4: How to blow 'Hachi-gaëshi no kyoku' - page 195
Chapter 5: The sound quality of Nature - page 201
Chapter 6: 'Furi' and 'Yuri' ["Swing" and "Sway"] - page 205
Chapter 7: The melody in a single sound - page 209
Chapter 8: How to blow a single sound - page 212
Chapter 9: How to blow 'Taki-ochi no kyoku' - page 217
序篇 虛山坊散士述
第一章 明暗吹簫禪の來由 / 1
第二章 虛無僧に就いて / 14
第三章 普化宗に就いて / 45
第四章 明暗吹簫道の復古 / 75
第五章 本曲と外曲とに就いて / 105
第六章 尺八製法に就いて / 121
前篇 虛山坊散士述
第一章 吹簫前提 / 135
第二章 音符解說と練習 / 151
第三章 長短表示法と練習 / 158
本篇 紫山居士述
第一章 前言 / 181
第二章 吹簫法「調子」 / 185
第三章 吹簫法「一二三調」 / 191
第四章 吹簫法「鉢返曲」 / 195
第五章 大自然の音韻 / 201
第六章 「振り」と「搖り」 / 205
第七章 一音の曲節 / 209
第八章 一音の吹奏法 / 212
第九章 吹簫法「瀧落曲」 / 217